Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Re: Is pacifism within our Western Culture creating violence?

Am 28yrs old & my first encounter with violence was during my very 1st year
in School or Infants as we call it in 1988.

What I remember was feeling angry because of a random attack by a fellow classmate; he hit me for no reason. After the crying & being separated comforted by the Teacher; he did it again. Yet, what occurred in me was a feeling was pure rage.
I just began to slap him again & again & again; The Bully became the victim.

He was curled up in the cloakroom; crying until the same Teacher whom looked after me stooped my attack. When asked why I did it I shouted
"He HIT ME".
I can still instantly connect to the pure feeling of punishing him in that righteous manner.

My classmates along with Teachers we're in shock for the rest of the afternoon. This gave me the realization that being violent isn't popular or impresses people.
Both The Bully & victim (me) we're separated from the rest of the class not in a physical separate desks manner but cold shoulder approach.

I got collected by my Farther who's was told about the incident; he just said in his typical Yorkshire attitude...
"Shouldn't 'ave started with me Lad, should he".

The Teacher actually agreed* [this point is vital, I'll refer to it later].

Later on in my Life my Farther would tell me stories of people in his Industrial Factory Age of working having fights with Management.
Whilst this reads as shocking; it created a natural order equilibrium as Line Management wouldn't exploit the workforce.
If they did then it would no longer be Employee & Manager; it would be Man vs. Man.

Yet, the age of Industry has left the Western World & re-located to China thus we live along with work in the Age of Information... different attitudes (some for the better... Sexual Equality being one) different type of work.

The following day everything was normal expect one classmate called me possibly out of both respect & fear... Panthro Which as the day progressed the majority called me this title expect The Bully.
This is the reason why I was given this nickname & the first in the class to have one.

Watch from 3mins : 48secs (it fades for a short 2second break but returns)

This type of Children's Cartoon wouldn't be allowed in this early 21st Century due to it's pure action based on conflict & violence.

This named stayed with me till the end of Junior school.
Whilst, it was a cool name it was born out of another child connecting me with a tough & violent cartoon character. Due to The Bully feeling pain & humiliation he never repeated his random acts on violence on anybody.

Fights occurred afterwards I might have another two during my time in the Infant & Junior School but the lesson was the pain of getting hit isn't nice unlike what's seen on the TV or Movies.
So, by experiencing such nerves, distress, possible humiliation & pain fighting sort of didn't occur by the time Secondary School happened. The slap's & fists we're replaced by very foul language usually about each others Mother's inspired by the humour of watching...

Then by 12yrs old; you start getting interested in the opposite sex. Girls simply aren't into Boy's that get satisfaction in dishing punches on others; as these types are emotionally backward.

If fights did occur; then they we're allowed to happen in the Playground for a manner of time until the Teacher on duty skilfully broke it up at a stage when both fighters could claim victory thus feeding both Teenage ego's.

That was then, what happens now is...

Due to what I classify as the Feminisation of Western Society; violence / self-defence is frowned upon. A 'Social faux pas' would be the best description.
Due to compensation culture; School's have no choice to forget that *1980's attitude as mentioned earlier & have zero-tolerance even if a Child does so in Self-Defence.

The following 2011 incident from Australia; has gone viral around the world [it's Portuguese subtitles / English audio]:

Yet, BOTH students have been warned about their conduct. When it's obvious that the only one whom should be disciplined is the arrogant Bully.

In the UK; it's now common for students to face expulsion if a fight is 'deemed serious'. These would have been expected just 15yrs previously as a stage of progression.

Currently; in the UK our Children are becoming more violent yet violence is deemed as wrong especially within Compulsory Education. My opinion is that whilst not to be promoted violence around Children needs to be seen as part of the growing process. Elements of human nature whilst not nice are confrontation & violence; the way to solve this is to first expect what we are & we're we came from...

If people didn't get turned on by violence why do people still watch Films about it or have friends round to watch the big Pay-Per-View Boxing Fight.

Some examples that we all are popular within contemporary culture...

That Pencil ain't to complete his Newspaper Crossword..!!

This is perhaps my favourite WWE Match of ALL-Time; simply cause it's vicious:

Feminisation & pacifism is attempting to eradicate these urges in people yet they cannot be controlled. The worrying aspect is Adults are now becoming violent with more regularity especially on a the Saturday night out.
The Booze & Illegal Narcotics play a massive role but they allow the what's inside a person to be released.

Whilst this movement of feminisation & pacifism has good intentions; it's simply having the opposite effect. Then people feeling isolated due to this Capitalist Target Driven Materialistic Being Young / Trendy Vanity obsessed society; people are angry or doubt others & more worrying themselves.
This results in anger.

The ONLY way Human's as a species can evolve is if we expect everything about our collective Psychology... we are greedy, selfish, lustful, jealous, lazy, hard, ignorant, working, disciplined, kind, insightful etc etc...

Yet we try to repress the negative by saying this or that isn't Socially expectable yet the major powers of the Western World fight War's / Conflicts with their Military.

The ironic thing about Violence in School's are the promotion of the Armed Forces in School as a possible career path in the majority of the Western world..!!

The current UK Government want to promote former Military staff to become School Teachers; they claim to re-gain discipline that's been lost especially within areas of poverty. So... people that have been trained to be aggressive & kill on order are now going to be teaching in School's we're children fighting results in possible suspension / expulsion?

This latter point sums up the hypocritical stance that exhibits in the Western World e.g open expression of Pornography is frowned upon yet when major corporations use sexual images in their Ad's it's deemed acceptable even if they are broadcast during Prime Family viewing Time?

The following from America; a nation that has created Mixed Martial Arts Cage fighting & has an obsession with Gun's amongst other violent activities.
Yet, a Mother that demands her Son fight to protect their Family Honour is criticized?

For all the high moral standards; what should occur if a random Man insults a Women in a public situation. The Women expects either the Man she is with or Men in her vicinity to defend her honour.

So much for 21st Century; let's have a conversation & review your behaviour then.

The strangest individual in this is President Barack Obama; why?
In the same month; he authorizes as Commander In-Chief his Military to use
force in Libya against Colonel Gaddafi.
He begins a national Anti-Bullying Campaign:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

If the President views Colonel Gaddafi as being a kinda Bully or more serious kind; why doesn't he start a conversation with him explaining what he's doing is wrong?
Cause am sure the Campaign gives instructions on how to report Bullying & also attempting to show 'why it's not cool to be one'.

So, much for the Noble Institute thinking that giving him the Peace Award might make him more Jimmy Carter than George W. Bush when it comes to Foreign Policy.
Maybe they should ask for it back, perhaps?

Am not saying he shouldn't do anything but the President should of publicly requested a personal meeting with the Colonel to talk about the situation rather than go direct for the attack.

That's approach simply provides evidence why our entire relationship with Violence needs to be understood along with accepted that it's part of who we are for better & worse.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Re: Why I don't interact with Comic Relief.

Before I begin; the origins of my awakening came from the following; yet be warned it involves the highly realistic simulation of a Car Accident.

In the UK; every two years a series endless promotion by the BBC called
Comic Relief; occurs. Like everything; it's origins we're honourable in having mainly BBC Presenters of Television & Radio doing a telethon to raise money.

This normally was rather bland middle of the road type of parody yet sincere...

Unfortunately, in these days & times Celebrity Culture has taken place.
When in the early 1990's, Comics we're just that now they seem to be the standard for making rubbish TV's adverts attempting to flog the latest Financial Services piece of dirt... Home Insurance, Retail Banking, Mortgages.

What can be said about that; I was lost for words by Paul Whitehouse latest TV Ad.

Maybe I'll call him Sh**ehouse; instead.

I noticed that when the recession occurred in 2008; nothing was getting said by mainstream popular Comedians; guess that £ is just to good.
In traditional English Culture; the Jester / Fool / Comedian existed to remind those in authority of how idiotic they are:

Unfortunately, Russell is the exception rather than the rule; as his contemporaries don't have his intellectual observational skills.

Now, to the Comic Relief in it's current form. No longer about those that can tell jokes or work at the BBC. It now includes the plague of British Society...

Fu**ing Celebrities [the actual terminology used by many].

So they earn the spend ridiculous amounts on stuff they don't need; just to fill their empty lives that are based on vanity & ego. Then every two years; they do something for those lesser people.

I suspect it's due to them actually knowing their lives are pathetic along with being false. The need for recognition on a mass level & the fact that they are willing to do anything to keep that spotlight on them.
Be it sex with other Fu**ing Celebrities producing greater f**k-up's to actually being informants grassing other fellow Fu**ing Celebrities in some amateur Machiavellian strategy of one up-bi**hness.

Here is a group of utter tools that went up a African Mountain.

During the time the Fu**ing Celebrities where going up,
I remembered a B-Movie that I watched as a Kid based on actually events...

During quite times at work; I would think & hope that nature could deliver some divine justice. Yet, even the Mountain Baboons realized that the Fu**ing Celebrities are full of sh**e due to over-saturation on Satellite TV.

Maybe it's like what JC mentioned...

Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. "I tell you the truth," he said, "this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on".

From Theee Good Book - The Poor Widow's Offering (Luke 20:45-21:4)

It seems with life the more things change the more they stay the same.

I advise that rather than donate to Comic Relief select a charity that doesn't
overload on the Fu**ing Celebrities, perhaps...

So, to the end of this Blog Entry. Something so horrific that it makes Chris Moyles in the throws of penetrative missionary position sexual intercourse whilst talking dirty drenched in sweat; seem erotic.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Re: If everybody owned a Ferrari; it wouldn't be special.

Imagine living in a world we're owning a Ferrari was a common experience?
You'd use it to go to the local Supermarket for the weekly food supplies,
going to work, even driving it to the nearest municipal rubbish dump to get rid of some useless stuff you've had for years in that Garden Shed over a May Bank Holiday.

Just have a look at a selected few...

You might view it as actually being fun yet this experience will soon go pretty fast (get the pun pretty & fast = Ferrari). Everybody would have one, suddenly something that's was attractive partly due to it's exclusivity would become the new Model T-Ford expect in different colours rather than black.

You might be reading this thinking; has he gone insane about a ridiculous vision of a future world. No; just a clever original example of what will occur to the UK due to the over-population capacity of it's University system.
If 1 of of every 3 UK Citizens under the age of 35yrs old will have a University Degree by 2020; then what's the point?

When I attended University in the late 1990's; the size felt just right. It wasn't empty yet even during exams the Library didn't seem crammed.

A friend that now teaches in the same institution told me over Lunch one January afternoon that the Library has to have a member of University Security on the door as if a Nightclub to regulate the amount of people entering & exiting.
Yet, the reason for Security came around a confrontation between two undergraduates over incorrect usage of University PC around Facebook.

This actually occurred:

Student 1: Excuse me, I've been watching you?

Student 2: Why?

Student 1: Why are you on Facebook, when people are queuing in the cold to enter the Library. Couldn't you look at that at Home.

Student 2: You had better read the screen.

Student 1: [Read's the screen then realizing she's made a huge faux pas] Ohhh... it's about your Exam.

Student 2: [In a raised voice] Who the f**k do you think you are; looking at my screen. You some sort of perv?

Student 1: Erm... am so sorry [then suddenly realizing that she's been called in the Universities Main Library a Sexual Delinquent] What the f**k did you just call me.

Student 2: A fu**ing dirty bi**h; go & try to learn something you ugly cow.

[As the row get's worse; a member of the University Security arrives after 5mins & duly arrests both possibly under Citizens legality.
Then escorts them out of the building towards his Office.
The Library staff wishing to 'draw a line in the sand' order everybody out of the building which is closed for the rest of the day during one of it's most hectic periods].

As a result Students 1 & 2 had to collectivity meet the Vice-Chancellor & wait for a decision if they would be expelled (almost an impossibility) from the institution. It was decided that they would receive a final warning around their personal conduct along with having to do a number of hours each week volunteering in the local community at one of the Universities projects for the remaining time attending the institution.

My academic friend mentioned that this sent shock-waves through the University but was in his words 'a Volcano primed to explode'.

(Sort of nice but worrying Photo cause it's nice; if you get me?)

As the University has to many people within it... Students, Teaching & Non-Teaching staff. Even if the University would expand in size it still wouldn't be enough.

That's the central point of this Blog Entry...

The British University system was established around the late 19th Century due to increasing developments in technology along within making sure that the British Empire was ahead of its European rivals.
People who attended where from the higher reaches of UK Society & this remained the case apart from those lucky exceptional poorer few gaining entry via scholarships or the Access Course entry level in the early 1980's.

Then this fella came with what I view as good intention's in the early 1990's to change UK Universities & the society...

John Major's life story might eventually be made into a rather good Motion Picture. A man who's parents worked in a Circus becoming Prime Minster of at the time the 4th Wealthiest Nation in the World is some achievement.
Yet, what makes Major so interesting is he achieved in a Society & Political Party that's about restricting Social Mobility.

Then by some clever 'Jedi Mind Trick' get's his party to agree that making
Higher Education more inclusive was essential to Britain's future development he even worked with Labour to make this occur. By getting total support for this in Parliament; a drive has since occurred starting in Compulsory Education around the importance of University.

Yet, whilst I admire Major for at least thinking outside the traditional Tory Box his aim was for continued economic growth of the UK rather than an enlightenment renaissance in developing natural academic curiosity in the population.

For anything to succeeded it must always look at it's origins & for Universities we must go far-back into the Ancient World...

Education of a higher level in Greece was about the advancement of humanity not about the development of
just to increase GDP & maintain that all important AAA grade.

Then what of Young People; don't they see that getting a Degree is devalued year on year simply due to more people taking the exact degree than when they graduated?
All that effort & debt for earning a salary that is lower than people whom took the same degree 10yrs previously..!!

It seems rather than looking at the big picture going to University is now a 'rights of passage' experience but you've got to remember the UK is a nation of Zombies walking in a direction with no aim or purpose.

Britain is best described in the last moments of the Titanic; everybody knew it was going down yet the Band kept playing on the deck of the Ship.

So, the only one's that win are big business in that they have a workforce whom can process large amounts of information, are in debt & desperate to live the illusion of Middle Class lifestyle...

The British University system can only ever work if the people involved within it view it more as the Ancient Greeks did rather than the embarrassing present...

Education exists for both the progression & improvement of Society; this has been forgotten.