Saturday, 26 February 2011

Re: The Weather & The British.

Am a British Citizen born.

Yet, what has always puzzled me is the national obsession around the Weather.

As you can see only thing worse is the fashion sense of Michael Fish..!!

I've travelled to various locations around the world...

Melbourne, Valencia, Boston, Rio de Janeiro, Munich, Vancouver & Stockholm.

When talking to residents of these cities; nobody moans about their various climates. Not even a word; they get on with their lives.

This then gave me realization around possible origins or background on why us Brits constantly moan about something we can do nothing about?
Then I answered my own question... the desire to travel within the British psyche.

I remember reading; only the Japanese spend more on travel for pleasure / vacation than the British. Yet, the natural national reason the people of Japan do this is around two reasons:

1. For centuries, their island was deliberately closed to the rest of the world until the Americans came post-Hiroshima & Nagasaki.

2. A direct bi-product of the first point was an social awakening resulting in a desire to interact with the rest of the world.

These two points resulted in Japan leading the world in many fields; as people travel then come back with new fresh ideas.

Yet, if the British are at No.2 for the amount spent on Foreign Vacations why hasn't this impacted on positive Social-Economic change like the Japanese?

The answer is due to the fact that deep down British population is unhappy.

I can only guess that it's due to the Class-System which tells people they should be happy?

Exhibit A:

British people endlessly talk about needing a long-hot Summer yet the
simple fact is that due to not having such high temperatures; they simply go berserk.

The thing that they endlessly talk about ultimately is that thing of which they can't handle; it's not helped by vast amounts of alcohol consumed.

Britain doesn't have a national identity; perhaps making it the ONLY nation
to be like this? Belgium is made up of two distinctive groups yet they this equals strong identity even if they have of the date of this Blog no government.

'The highest family in the land' is really German with touches of Dutch & French (Norman).

The UK doesn't celebrate a national day of patron saint unlike the majority of its continental neighbours; even that it has one?
No real culture excites as this connects with the actual embarrassing & heinous time that the nation ruled 25% of the planets land mass...
'Theeee British Empire'.

So, having no real national day makes it possible for the acts of
Empire a.k.a Britishness(what ever this is?) isn't really faced up to.

I remember watching this Advert from a traditional established British Company...

Exhibit B:

When it was realised, the amount of conversations I directly had or overheard was numerous.

A simple advert seemed to open the desires on a nation.

Am sure that warmer climates do make people more expressive; as you can walk & not have to deal with driving through a blizzard (like I had to do on at least 3 occasions so far in 2011).

Another obvious is that living in a warmer tropical climate makes people both more expressive
& sexual.

Exhibit C:

Like New Orleans.

Yet, the majority of Warm to Hot Climates are places of tension & conflict & this must not be forgotten

So maybe instead of moaning we should be happy with this every evening...

She's an improvement on Michael.

For a laugh, have a check of:

Classic stuff; yet why would an individual(s) make such a well informed website..!!

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